In this episode Roy discusses why "telling teens what to do" does not work and offers a three step process, based in curiosity and listening, to help adults positively influence today's teenagers.
To get Roy's newest ebook "Little Book of Questions that Really Get Teens Talking" go to and sign up or email Roy at
Have you ever been worried about your teen because they didn't "open up" to you? Have you ever been frustrated because your teen shuts down and shuts you out?
Roy shows you how to get these teens to open up through understanding, listening and creative communication.
To get Roy's newest ebook "Little Book of Questions that Really Get Teens Talking" go to and sign up or email Roy at .
In this episode, Roy discusses five skills every adult needs to communicate with teenagers. He offers practical tips for applying each tool to improve communication with teens.
To get Roy's newest ebook "Little Book of Questions that Really Get Teens Talking" go to and sign up or email Roy at
In this episode, Roy illustrates the importance of social skills for teens and ways that adults can encourage and model appropriate social skills and responses for young people.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.
In this episode, Roy offers practical tips and insight into ways adults can help teenagers set healthy limits and boundaries with time devoted to video gaming. He offers specific suggestions of what to say, not to say and helps parents navigate common pitfalls when it comes to setting, maintaining and enforcing rules for teens and their gaming.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.
In this episode, Roy explores the reasons video games are so compelling for and important to teenagers. Roy also explains how video games have been designed to appeal to young people and the role these games play in teen social interaction.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.
In this episode of Today's Teenager, Roy discusses the importance of apologize to teenagers and why apologizing is so critical to relationships with teens.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.
In this episode of Today's Teenager, Roy offers hope and 7 practical suggestions to single parents and others who raise children alone.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.
In this week's episode, Roy discusses practical ways to effectively and lovingly respond to teenagers when they say they don't believe in God.
Click here for information from the Pew Foundation on millennials' attitudes toward God and religion.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.
In this episode of Today's Teenager, Roy discusses what's really going on when a teen violates an adult's trust and offers a seven step process for moving toward reconciliation reestablishing trust with young people.
For more about Roy, including contact information, click here to visit Today's Teenager.